As a real estate agent, your website is one of the first things potential clients will see about you and your business. These first impressions are crucial to selling homes, apartments or commercial properties. You may be tempted to use a free theme or buy an inexpensive design from a stock photo site to save time and money.

However, with so many quality WordPress themes for real estate businesses available for as little as $50, it’s worth investing in something that will help you stand out from the competition. A great website conveys professionalism, trustworthiness and attention to detail — all essential qualities when trying to sell someone their dream home.

But what makes an effective design? Is it the colors used? The images chosen? Perhaps it’s the layout of the site? Let’s take a look at some important considerations when designing a website for any real estate business.

Keep It Simple

A great real estate website doesn’t need to be complicated or filled with flashy, unnecessary design elements. A clean, simple layout allows visitors to quickly and easily find the information they’re looking for without being visually distracted by other elements on the page. What are some ways to simplify your website?

– Limit the number of images used on each page. More images may seem like a good idea, but too many can actually distract from the content you are trying to convey.

– Keep each page focused on a single topic. For example, don’t combine information about your services, a biography and a list of available properties on the same page.

– Keep font sizes large enough to be readable, but don’t go overboard.

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[Source: Unsplash]

People Don’t Read, They Scan

New research has found that people don’t read on the web the same way they read a book or magazine. Instead, they quickly scan the page for key information, such as headlines, bullet points and images. Furthermore, people are also more likely to click on articles that are written in a way that sounds more conversational.

As a real estate agent, you don’t want to use overly technical language or jargon to describe your services. Rather, you should write in a way that sounds friendly and approachable like authorized property dealers, as if you’re having a conversation with a colleague or friend.

Additionally, you should consider using images that visually represent your offerings, such as charts or graphs showing the average cost of renting vs. buying a home in a certain area.

Show Off Your Expertise

Just as a real estate agent needs to establish trustworthiness and a track record, they also need to show that they have the skills and expertise needed to help someone buy or sell a home. Your website is the perfect place to list your credentials and show off your experience.

You can do this in a number of ways, such as including an “About Us” page that lists the members of your team, their education and work experience. Additionally, you can use “Testimonials” from satisfied clients to show how your skills have helped people in the past.

What Matters Most In Real Estate Website Design?

When it comes to picking a theme for your real estate business, you want to make sure you choose one that highlights the most important features of your business. This includes the most expensive or valuable items on your website, such as the properties or listings you are currently offering.

It’s also important to consider the type of clients you’re trying to attract. For example, an apartment complex will have a different type of clientele than a luxury boutique hotel, so it makes sense to use a design that appeals to both groups.

Likewise, picking a design that appeals to the type of person who would be interested in the type of property you’re selling will help you stand out from the competition.

Tips For Deciding On a WordPress Theme

Before you buy a WordPress theme for your real estate website, there are a few things you should consider. What is your marketing budget? How much time do you have to create the website? How tech savvy are you?

What are your design preferences? Almost all themes come with a host of customizable options, such as the ability to change fonts, colors and layout. You can select these options on the backend of your WordPress website by navigating to “Appearance > Themes.” Depending on the theme you choose, you may also need a developer to help you custom design some pages, such as your “About Us” and “Property” pages.

Using Full Screen Photography

The first thing a visitor sees when they visit your website is the homepage, followed by the featured images of the properties you’re selling, and other important information, such as your business hours and contact information.

These critical page elements are often best represented by a large, full-screen photo, so make sure the photos you select are high-quality, professional looking, and appealing to a wide variety of clients. Adding a caption beneath each photo also gives you the chance to include details about the property or your services that are otherwise hard to convey in smaller images.

Showing Off Your Property’s Best Features

When you’re showcasing the individual properties you’re selling, it’s important to use photos that showcase the home’s best features. For example, if the house has an expansive backyard, make sure the photos reflect this.

If you’re selling an apartment, you may want to use floor plans or 3D models to show how large the rooms are and how much space the units have.

Incorporating Video Footage of the Area

If your listings are for properties in a certain area, you may want to consider adding short video clips of the surrounding area. For example, if you’re selling property in a mountainous or coastal region, you may want to add clips of the nearby landscape. Likewise, if you’re selling a property in a city, you may want to add clips of local landmarks, nightlife and other attractions.

Wrapping Up

A real estate website should convey professionalism and expertise, as well as display the properties or rentals you currently have for sale. With so many different options to choose from, finding a design that meets these criteria can be a challenge. By following these important considerations when designing your site, you can ensure that the design you choose will be just as impressive as the properties you sell.

Zahid Aramai, Malaysia Freelance Website Designer

Zahid Aramai do help more than 500+ business owner's WordPress Website and currently he's doing an experiment with React Framework for headless WordPress. He rentlessly develop, design and manage client's website as well as fixing WordPress bugs. His #1 goal will always be to meet clients needs and business objective.