As a web developer, your job is to create functional web applications. That means coding, debugging errors, and managing apps. 

Fortunately, you can use web development tools and data ops platforms like Meltano to simplify your tasks without negatively impacting their quality. The tools we’ll cover in this article can have built-in features like automation and security aspects that may improve app performance. 

Because there are numerous web development apps with different features and strengths on the market, choosing the right one for your project can be difficult. Here’s what you should look for when selecting the best web dev tool, plus ten excellent options for beginners. 

How do you choose the best web development tools? 

Web development is the means of creating and updating web pages. Web developers use different frontend and backend languages like Python, PHP, and JavaScript and development tools to build optimized user-friendly sites.

Web development tools are crucial for web developers because they help create, troubleshoot, maintain and edit apps. When looking for the best tool for your business, consider the following:

  • Security – A good tool should include web app security solutions like firewalls and cross-site scripting management. They protect your apps from cyberattacks. 
  • Tool complexity – Identify the tool’s capabilities to ensure it meets your needs. 
  • Cost – Some web development tools are free, but others have monthly or yearly subscriptions. Choose one that best accomplishes what you need. 
  • Scalability – It’s more cost-effective to have a tool capable of working with small and large projects. 
  • Support – Check that the tool provides appropriate support in case of software issues. 
  • Programming languages – Investigate whether the web dev tool you’re interested in is compatible with your preferred programming language. 

Web development tools have unique purposes. Some may need a code editor, others a package manager or a browser developer tool. For some devs, a web application framework is essential, while others are looking for a task runner. We have to mention web prototype software and version control systems, too. Other famous examples include JavaScript libraries, CSS preprocessors, Web servers, and container management software. 

If you’re just beginning your career as a web dev, you must work on optimizing your workflow. That means experimenting with different web development tools, such as the ones mentioned in our article. Below you’ll find examples of the most popular dev tools for novice web developers. 

10 web development tools for beginners

Here are 10 web development tools to kickstart your web developer career.


GitHub is a very popular web development tool. It’s the instrument of choice for many companies, regardless of size. 

You have two options: the free version and the pro package with a monthly fee. There are two paid options for teams, too. 

GitHub is open-source and cloud-based. It’s a Git repository hosting service that offers an easy-to-understand web-based graphical interface. 

Through GitHub, you can build review processes for written code and manage various projects.

It’s easy to integrate it with other tools you’re working with. Use it as a self-hosted solution or as a cloud-hosted one. 

The tool allows you to expand your network and build a brand. Thanks to its project management tools, you can easily organize an entire team or project. Automate tasks and identify security flaws. You get an AI-driven tool that helps you with code completion suggestions and everything needed for creating repositories. 

Consider that you need some command-line knowledge to use GitHub effectively. The price for subscriptions is higher compared to competitors. 

Sublime Text

Someone who’s just started to code can find an ally in Sublime Text. The simple explanation is that you’re dealing with an all-in-one text editor for markup, code, and prose. You can edit several lines of code at the same time, and you can easily switch between functions and files. 

Functions include a minimap useful for editing lengthy code, a Python API, JavaScript ecosystem support, and cross-platform functionality. Find, change and modify multiple code lines at once. 

You can download the tool for free, but you need a license to use it. The payment pop-ups may annoy you if you don’t buy the license for personal use or the yearly one for business use. 

Chrome Developer Tools

Google Chrome browser has web development tools available for use. You can edit and debug JavaScript code, optimize website speed, and update web page styles. 

Google Developer Tools suite allows you to save changes made to webpages on your local devices and then override data. Use the Inspect Element tool to check web page designs and layouts. Grab the colors you like by using the Color Picker. 

Audit webpages and get reports based on accessibility, performance, and more. With the Console utility, you can debug code and make live expressions to monitor your values in real-time. The tool also offers profiling features to see webpage memory usage. They identify memory bloat or leaks that slow down website performance. 

Like most web development tools, Chrome Developer Tools have built-in security features.

They allow you to see a website’s SSL certificate to verify its authenticity. Plus, you can check design responsiveness and modify its device performance. 

The tool has its drawbacks – mainly, that you’ll need a little experience. Novices will need time to explore their options and learn how to use them. Plus, web developers don’t have an active way to modify or write source code. 

Visual Studio Code

This tool runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows. It’s an open-source code editor with many built-in features. You can integrate it with other tools like Git and PHP CS Fixer. The best part: you don’t have to pay a dime for it. It’s completely free to use. You just have to download and install it. 

Visual Studio Code supports many programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and C++. On its marketplace, you’ll find many plugins and themes to use. Customize the editor to your liking and use the Command Palette function to easily find operations and commands. 

With Intellisense you get code suggestions based on the used language. Code is displayed in different colors and fonts according to coding language and keywords. Thanks to Git integration, you can also use commands like push and pull. With Splitview, you can work on two projects at the same time. 

The plugins can be difficult to use at times because of wavering stability. The tool also requires a lot of space and resources on your PC or laptop. That can slow your device down. 


One of the popular task automation web development tools is Grunt. It’s the tool of choice for developers who perform superfluous processes like unit testing, minification, or compilation. 

It’s free and you can install some plugins for it. The task runner lets you implement coding style guides throughout the code base to ensure stability. The tool’s plugins are useful for JavaScript tasks. 

As a developer, Grunt lets you create and modify tasks to certain requirements. Each task has particular configurable settings to work with. 

Unfortunately, the Grunt plugins don’t get updated frequently. That means you have to wait between versions. 


Sass is one of the most advanced and trustworthy CSS extension languages. The tool allows you to use and extend the functionality of a website’s CSS. That includes functions, variables,
mixing, nested rules, and inheritance. 

Important tech companies use Sass, which means it has a large fanbase. It shows frequent updates, improvements, and responsive support. Its ecosystem allows you to integrate it with different coding languages. 

Because it allows you to change interface elements like font and colors, Sass is a great tool for making websites. It has built-in frameworks with easy access. The learning curve is simple because you can easily configure the tool. Give it a try, especially if you’re an aspiring web developer. 

With more robust files the user can notice freezes or slow loading times. It’s worth knowing Sass has longer compilation times, needing the installation of additional tools, such as LibSaas or Ruby. 


BootStrap is an open-source tool that facilitates the creation of mobile web applications. Its unique set of elements allows the creation of web layouts. It uses JavaScript, CSS, and HTML-based scripts. So, if you have some basic knowledge, you can easily maneuver it. When developing themes for CMSs like WordPress you can also learn Bootstrap. 

One plus is that you can customize it using variables, color systems, and Sass Files. Use predefined CSS and HTML components to spontaneously resize images based on screen size. Make grids within existing CSS files to save time. 

Bootstrap includes some JavaScript libraries, allowing you to access tooltips, modal windows, and alerts. It’s compatible with all browsers, making it easily accessible. You have a detailed documentation page that facilitates understanding the tool and its features. 

Although Bootstrap lets you build responsive websites, the files it produces are large. That means you can deal with slower loading times. You may need to work more on the design aspect to make your projects pop because the tool has a consistent style. 


Marvel is a wireframing tool used for project design. The tool has user testing and prototyping features, all with a user-friendly interface. Beginner web developers use this tool to initiate and develop web application specs. 

Marvel has a free plan with limited features and some premium plans. Students and non-profits get a discounted price. Its key features include CSS, Android XML, Swift code generation, and social media app integration. You can integrate it with Jira, Dropbox, and Microsoft Teams. 

The user testing feature allows devs to record screens, videos, and audio from target audiences to streamline the prototyping process. You can create wireframes by quickly dragging and dropping customizable templates. 

Unfortunately, to use Marvel you need to be connected to the Internet. Otherwise, you don’t have access to its features. The tool has limited capacity in what concerns creating dynamic prototypes. 

Ruby on rails

This full-stack framework is great for quickly building apps. The framework is useful for server-side development. It’s perfect for updating web pages in real-time and rendering HTML, as well.

It’s the tool of choice for devs working on eCommerce projects. 

Ruby on rails has an automated test tool that allows devs to test code without adding third-party tools or plugins. The tool has free packages (RubyGems) you can download to extend web app functionality. 

Ruby on rails is compatible with frontend frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Angular. When working with the tool, you’re protected from cyber-attacks, thanks to its data protection feature. It’s especially useful when working with eCommerce businesses when dealing with sensitive information. 

When dealing with large projects, expect slower loading times. Ruby on rails is not the best option when working on feature-rich applications. 

Node Package Manager (npm)

This JavaScript software registry was created to share and deploy local and global packages. Devs use npm to install code packages for apps or projects. The packages simplify the development process. Devs don’t need to write new codes for functionalities anymore. They can just find and install code packs. 

Npm has a free version with some public packages. The full option is paid, though. The tool offers a command-line interface where devs install and manage packages. The security auditing feature detects security threats and flaws in projects, generating assessment reports. 

The tool also has a large database accessible publicly. It acts as a repository for open-source projects, meaning devs can share their source code. 

When adding dependencies, the package installation process slows down. As a result, the workflow can be disrupted. 


Web development tools are intrinsically necessary when working on applications. They optimize workflow and can take many forms, from text editors to code or frameworks.

Choosing an adequate tool for your project, especially as a beginner, can greatly influence its success. Consider these ten web development tools when working on an application in a web developer capacity.

Zahid Aramai, Malaysia Freelance Website Designer

Zahid Aramai do help more than 500+ business owner's WordPress Website and currently he's doing an experiment with React Framework for headless WordPress. He rentlessly develop, design and manage client's website as well as fixing WordPress bugs. His #1 goal will always be to meet clients needs and business objective.

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