Hey guys! I’m back again after quite some time without posting anything on my blog page. Been busy with several big projects that need to be deliver in short period of time. Well, it is the time for new post regarding the first Official Divi MeetUp in Malaysia.

Divi? Yes. It is a one of popular Page Builder plugin from Elegant Themes where you can build a website with drag and drop only. No need coding experience and even non-technical guys can build a website with Divi Page Builder.

What is Divi Page Builder?

Divi Page Builder is a most popular product from Elegant Themes that could help the way you build a website from scratch. Divi Builder is a WordPress plugin that works with virtually any WordPress theme — even themes not built by Elegant Themes.

For the first time ever in Malaysia, we will organizing the Official Divi MeetUp on 25th August 2018 in Common Room Bangi (co-working space located at Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor).

Our objective is to share our thought, skill and best practice in anything related to Divi and WordPress for all Malaysian Developer as well as everyone who are interested to know more about this great page builder plugin.

Divi Malaysia is WordPress community that use Divi as their tool to design websites for client or themselves.

On this meetup, all the Malaysian developer and designer, can discuss freely about how Divi does benefits on their project/leverage basis.

I was part of this Divi Nation Malaysia Chapter and would like to invite everyone to come to our first Official Divi Meetup on this Saturday, 25th August.

It is FREE event!

There is no reason why you can’t join us and build up your network around Malaysian Developer. LOL

Do you ever visit Common Room Bangi?

They do provide space as a service. New styles of working and learning have gained popularity among millennial. They recognize your need for convenience in working and learning. So, they have developed a successful business style around the idea of space as a service.

Here, they provide an ideal space for you to do your work and assignment comfortably. Else, we called it Co-Working space. 🙂

common room bangi - Divi Meetup common room bangi - Divi Meetup common room bangi - Divi Meetup

Lastly, if you’re interested to join our First Official Divi Meetup here in Malaysia, please do RSVP immediately!!

p/s: Do it now before too late.


Zahid Aramai, Malaysia Freelance Website Designer

Zahid Aramai do help more than 500+ business owner's WordPress Website and currently he's doing an experiment with React Framework for headless WordPress. He rentlessly develop, design and manage client's website as well as fixing WordPress bugs. His #1 goal will always be to meet clients needs and business objective.