The Software development dynamics keep on changing day in and day out! Not to mention the impact of new and disruptive technologies is pretty high that businesses irrespective of their size and industry vertical are compelled to jump on the bandwagon to meet the needs and requirements of their valued customers. Now not all software ideas have the potential to turn your business into a multi-million dollar venture and even if they do, not keeping up with the latest software development trends can be a put-off for many.

The following post focuses on some of the latest software development trends to take into account for the year 2022 and several upcoming years down the line. Also, all the below-mentioned trends are purely based on their relevance, popularity, and market demand and of course, each one of them has the potential to shape the software development industry. So do reach each one pretty carefully!

The Significance of the Software Development Industry

Unfortunately, there are people who don’t find software development trends or the entire concept of software development or web development, mobile development, or enterprise software development important. Yes, I am speaking about today’s fast-pacing digital era. There was a time when murdering someone was a crime, today not having an online presence is also a crime, since you are murdering your business. And those who have tasted success can vouch for the fact that conducting a successful business and that too without online marketing is an impossible thing to do.

It really doesn’t matter what type or size or industry vertical you are in, creating an online presence is what matters the most whether it’s in the form of a website, mobile apps, web apps or any other software. Now further below I would like to mention how conducting a software development project could be beneficial.

#1 Seamless Promotion

Here you are supposed to sell your work and by conducting a software development project you are tooting your own horn subtly and seamlessly. There is no denying the fact that software development has the potential to take your business to new heights like never before. At the same time, you are no longer required to invest in additional advertisement and marketing strategies as the software solution itself will do the chores and enable you to focus well on your core competencies.

#2 Improves Revenue

As we know today, millennials and Gen Z carry the purchasing power and potential and both generations are thoroughly addicted to their respective smart devices. So if you want to enhance sales and revenues, all you need is a strong online presence that is easily approachable, accessible and offers a great shopping experience. Not just buy, but they can even share relevant feedback and reviews through the website or the mobile app.


#3 Enhances Customer Engagement

Another interesting benefit offered by these software solutions is improvised customer engagement. Now every business craves for having customers who don’t just come and go but remain product advocates for the long run. Well, it becomes way easier to engage with your current and potential customers via using a mobile application or a website. And this is something that makes you a cut above your competitor.

On and all, if you are willing to achieve precise goals and objectives, opting for customized software development solutions is the only way out. After all, where else you will find solutions that offer better scalability, security, robustness, and competitive edge, all at the same time? No wonder software development seems to be playing a prerequisite role in shaping human everyday life.

Further below I would like to mention certain top, latest and amazing software development trends to take into account for the year 2022 and more.

Software Development Trends that will Dominate the Globe

#1 Low code platforms

Low-code development is one of the biggest software development trends that seems to be assisting software development teams precisely. It is one method that has the potential to evaluate coding from text to visuals. In fact, for those who don’t know, low-code is a software development approach that assists several business professionals to come together and create amazing, unique and innovative solutions with the minimum amount of coding.

To be precise, by using low-code platforms, software developers are no longer required to create custom code. Also, it offers boilerplate scripts and integrations, solution blueprints, and visual workflow automation tools. Some of the most intimidating features offered by these low-code platforms include:

  • Visual modeling tools
  • Integration and APIs
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Governance Tools
  • Security

Visual LANSA, Quixy, Creatio, Genexus, Zoho Creator, UI Bakery, Mendix, OutSystems, Appian, Salesforce Lightning, Appsheet, Google App Maker, AppSheet, FileMaker, and Retool, are some of the best low code development platforms that must be taken into account.

Low code or no code development is ideal for those who have zero coding knowledge or experience. Even after being a non-techie, they can develop basic mobile apps featuring all the basic elements that are simple, and visual and offer limited customization powers.

#2 Cloud Computing

Another interesting software development trend to take into account is cloud computing. After the massive COVID-19 hit, a major economic downfall was seen but at the same time, all this led to a severe rise in the concept of cloud computing technologies. What happened was that during the pandemic and even after that more and more businesses have started focusing on remote work and this led to a huge transformation across the globe. So what exactly is cloud computing? Well, when you are able to rent IT services instead of trying out the DIY approach. Why is there a need for opting for cloud computing services?

  • It certainly removes the unusual need to set up and maintain on-site infrastructure management
  • One can develop a quick and cheap IT environment
  • Accessing cloud data is extremely simple – all you need is a strong internet connection.
  • You will receive great performance and high availability levels.
  • Using the cloud gives continuous access to cutting-edge tech as major providers always stay at the forefront of the latest industry standards.

So I say why not! Some of the top cloud computing trends include – Multi-Cloud and hybrid, artificial intelligence, cloud security, high sustainability, serverless cloud tech trends and so forth.

#3 Artificial intelligence

Another intimidating software development trend to consider is artificial intelligence. Now you must be wondering how artificial intelligence can have an impact on software development. Well for starters, artificial intelligence will be found shaping the entire future of software development, no two ways about it! No wonder why 80% of businesses are found investing in artificial intelligence.


To be extremely precise, Algorithm-based machine learning is being used to accelerate the software development lifecycle. The technology has not just redefined how developers work but has also managed to enhance them in regards to productivity, quality and speed. Further, I would like to mention how exactly artificial intelligence assists software development companies by automating several cognitive and physical tasks.

#3.1 Enhance Speed

After implementing Artificial Intelligence technology within the software development teams, everything seems to have changed right from the deployment frequency to lead time for changes, restoring services, and so more. It may quite interest you to know that machine learning and deep learning do have the potential to shorten several procedures. In fact, AI enables a computer to do fast and accurate testing that reduces the failure rate and shortens the development process.

#3.2 Decision-Making

The next reason to consider artificial intelligence among the top software development trends is that the technology can impact on your decision-making power. Here the actual time spent on which products or features to invest in can be reduced deliberately to a great extent. Now almost all the decisions are driven by analytics and augmented human intelligence can assist the software development industry in making smarter, quick and precise decisions.

#3.3 Reduced Errors

We, humans, are bound to commit errors, mistakes and sometimes sins. Well, fortunately, this is not the case when it comes to artificial intelligence technology. The AI-powered programming assistant has the potential to identify common errors like never before. Here with artificial intelligence, machine learning technology is being used especially in the post-deployment phase to proactively flag errors and uncover abnormalities by analyzing system logs.

Earlier when an error was found, developers were supposed to manually correct it and it used to be extremely time-consuming. Fortunately, that’s not the case anymore! With artificial intelligence, errors can be automatically detected and diagnosed without the need for human interference.

#4 Big Data Security

Another interesting software development trend or web development trend is Big data security. What exactly is Big data security? Well with the cyber crimes getting right on our nerves, big data deployments have today become the most valuable targets. Any ransomware attack might leave your big data deployment subject to ransom demands. And do you know what’s the worst situation here, there are fair chances for any unauthorized user to gain access to sell valuable information just like that. And in the end, you may have a lot to lose! I am not trying to freak you out. In fact, just giving you a quick heads up so that you can safeguard yourself from big reputational losses.

The ultimate objective of big data security is to keep out unauthorized users and intrusions with firewalls, strong user authentication, end-user training, and intrusion protection systems (IPS) and intrusion detection systems (IDS). In simple words, providing an immense amount of protection against attacks, thefts, and several other malicious activities that could harm valuable data. After all these threats have the potential to cause some serious damage, repercussions such as losses, litigation costs, and fines or sanctions to an organization.

Now I’m still wondering why there is a need for big data security.

  • It boosts security for non-relational data stores
  • It successfully implements endpoint security
  • Reliability on Big Data Cryptography
  • Offers customized solutions
  • Real-time security monitoring and compliance.
  • Enhances communication
  • Resource sharing is seamless.
  • High efficiency and robustness.
  • Avoiding unauthorized access thus protects and enhances the performance and security of the organization.

On and all, securing big data platforms from potential high and low threats will enable you to enhance your business’s efficiency and services in the long run.

#5 Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Last but certainly not least comes AR and VR technology. Now I will certainly get offended if you ask me if they are still trending. Of course, they are! Both technologies are not just empowering the software development world but also serving other industries such as retail, navigation and manufacturing.

Apart from Augmented Reality comes virtual reality, here due to advanced computer visions, it has become quite possible to conduct software development projects and raise the bar to the next level within a very short span of time. Right from gaming sectors to educational sectors, IT, and VR is seen spreading like a fire.

Final Thoughts

And now we have concluded! I agree that conducting a Software development process is not as easy as you think. And you have just read about the latest and the best software development trends to take into account. Of course, there are many more but these ones are worth considering. In case, if you want to add something or have any kind of suggestion or opinion to share, feel free to mention that in the comment section below.

Zahid Aramai, Malaysia Freelance Website Designer

Zahid Aramai do help more than 500+ business owner's WordPress Website and currently he's doing an experiment with React Framework for headless WordPress. He rentlessly develop, design and manage client's website as well as fixing WordPress bugs. His #1 goal will always be to meet clients needs and business objective.

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